"When Spouses Clash on Financial Giving" Part 2 by Jeff Anderson

 I am excited that Awesome Marriage can Partner with Jeff Anderson and acceptablegift.org to bring you five outstanding   blogs by Jeff Anderson.  Jeff's latest book "Plastic Donuts: Giving That Delights the Father's Heart" is a must read for every couple and now available everywhere.  You will never look at giving the same again.  Dr. Kim

"What do I do when my spouse and I are not on the same page about our giving?

#2 - Connect in Worship

Often spouses bring different worship preferences to the marriage. Doctrinal and denominational matters, church size and worship style are some of the many areas spouses may differ.

Or how about the decision to attend the steeple church verses the shopping mall church? Or whether a church should be governed by elders, deacons or boards?

Whether your church sings hymns or pop-praise, whether your pastor sports a tie or a tattoo – these considerations should not stand in the way of decisions to enjoy togetherness in the giving journey.

Still, when couples struggle to find agreement with worship preferences, they struggle to find agreement with the more weightier matters.

Attending a church does not define a Christian.  However, we are biblically instructed to be connected to a body of believers for spiritual growth, connection and protection - whether it be the downtown church or the house church.

And when couples connect on the little things like church worship preferences – they'll be better able to connect in the areas that really matter.

Agree?  What’s been your experience?

Jeff Anderson

Get your copy of  "Plastic Donuts" in the Awesome Marriage Store: http://tinyurl.com/l8kuuvk