WHAT’S NEXT: "Be Still" - a new series by David Skidore
I love what happens when Jesus is in the midst of a storm. The disciples find him sleeping in the boat, and they wake him up. He tells them that their faith is weak. Then, Jesus rebukes the wind and waves, and the sea becomes as smooth as glass.
Peace is something people love, and notice most when it is absent from our lives.
Are you at peace? How busy are you? How many things do you have to get done today? How many things are distracting you?
One time, Jesus went to visit some friends. Two of them were sisters, Mary and Martha. Mary sat at Jesus feet, and Martha was working on all the tiny details for the party that night. Martha got frustrated that Mary wasn’t helping, but Jesus told Martha that Mary had chosen what was better and it would not be taken from her. Amazing isn’t it? There was so much to do, but Jesus wasn’t worried about those things. Jesus wanted the full attention of Mary and Martha. For that to happen, they had to be still. Mary chose to sit down. Martha kept going.
It is easy to keep going. You can even keep going while sitting down today. Sending texts, instagramming, facebooking, tweeting, finding new music, and waiting for someone to respond to you. What we might be missing while we’re looking for the next thing to do is the very presence of God in our lives. It is for this reason that Jesus wants us to be still. In the most chaotic moments of our lives, Jesus is not intimidated. He is the one who calms winds, waves, and even the hearts of His people.
A person who can be still before the Lord is a person who can be at peace in a world that is falling apart. The person who learns to be still in Christ’s presence can also bring peace to a marriage. And a peaceful marriage is one of the pillars of an awesome marriage. Ask Jesus to fill you with His peace.
Here is my challenge. Take just one minute to be completely still. No phone. No music. No one else. Just you and Jesus. Be still. Listen. Rest in His presence. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts. He himself is our peace.
Lord, I trust you with my life. In the midst of the frantic pace around me, help me to be still and know that you are God, and that you will be exalted among the nations. You are God. I rest in your presence Jesus, and your presence is heaven to me. Amen.
David Skidmore