Traffic Signs and Your Marriage: "CAUTION"

I actually do pretty well with the stop signs or red lights.  I get it.  Stop means stop.  The red light means stop.  If I disobey them there are consequences.  I could get a traffic ticket or worse could have a wreck. I definitely get the green light.  I love green lights.  The more green lights I make on my way somewhere the better.  I used to play a ‘green light’ game in my head.  If I was going somewhere and knew there were ten traffic lights between me and my destination, I would see how many green lights I could make out of the ten.  Talk about needing a life!

But caution?  I think that is for someone else.  I don’t have time for caution.  If the traffic light turns yellow, I still look at it as green.  If the sign says ‘caution,’  I will momentarily take my foot off of the gas pedal but quickly accelerate again.  Caution is not something I do well.

What about the caution signs in my marriage?  Nancy’s primary love language is quality time.  If we go too long without a date night, our marriage suffers.  I need to watch the caution signs.  If Nancy is sharing something with me and my mind gets distracted and she gets frustrated because I am not listening, I need to heed the caution sign.  If for any reason she thinks she is not the most important person in my life, I need to see the caution sign.  Caution signs are essential to my marriage and I need to obey them.

What are the caution signs in your marriage?  Are you obeying them or running right past them?  Look for caution signs in your marriage today.

Dr. Kim