The Two-Step

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Let’s take a break from the “Love” series this week.  I will pick it up again next time to talk about “milestones.” 

Nancy and I are reading through the Bible again this year using the plan “Blended.” I always read a second plan as well. Right now I am reading “21 Days in the Gospel of John” by my friend Levi Lusko.  

This past week I read two accounts of Jesus healing a blind man. The plot of both stories is the same. Both men are blind. Both are healed by Jesus. Both can now see. It’s the part between “blind” and “see” that is different. 

In Mark 10, as a large crowd is following Jesus, a blind man cries out to Him. Jesus asks the blind man to come to Him and says, “What do you want me to do to you?” The blind man answers, “I want to see!” Jesus says, “Go, your faith has healed you.” Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus down the road. 

Earlier in Mark 8, some people brought a blind man to Jesus as Jesus arrived at Bethsaida. They begged Jesus to heal him. Jesus took the blind man’s hand and led him out of the village. He used spit on the man’s eyes, placed His hands on them and asked, “Can you see anything now?” The man looked around and said, “Yes, I see people, but I cannot see them very clearly. They look like trees walking around.” Jesus again placed His hands on the blind man's eyes and the man’s eyes were opened. His sight was completely restored and he could see everything clearly.

Do you notice the difference in these two stories? In the first, healing was instant. A couple of words from Jesus and sight returned. Jesus did not touch the man. He used nothing but His words. Then with the second man, Jesus first took him outside the village. He used spit and His hands to restore this man's sight, and it worked - partially. He was better than before but not seeing clearly. What does Jesus do? He tries again. He lays His hands on the man’s eyes again. This time it works! The blind man sees!

As I read these two stories, I wondered, “Why could Jesus heal one blind man with words, yet, with the other man, he had to touch His eyes and not just once but twice? Was something wrong with Jesus that day? Was He tired? Does Jesus' power work better some times than others?” As I pondered these questions, I remembered an important truth. Jesus is God. God’s power never changes. So if this story is not about Jesus and His power or lack of it, who is it about? I think it is about us! 

God knows us better than we will ever know ourselves. He also always wants what is best for us. Sometimes He answers our prayers in an instant. Other times we seek Him and we wonder if He really hears us. Like the second blind man. He wanted to see, but it was a two-step process. We do not know the back story of either of the blind men, but God does. The process He chooses to answer our prayers is always in our best interest.  

When we have a problem in our marriage, we pray for change, healing or for whatever will solve the problem. God could take that prayer and bring an instant answer. My experience is that more often than not, the answer is a process. It’s the “two-step.” God acts, but He takes us a step at a time. During that “two-step” God grows us, teaches us, and brings the answer and healing in the way that is absolutely the best for us. 

So don’t get discouraged or live in despair. God is always working for our good - for your good.   There is no doubt that He can answer in an instant but often God is doing the “two step.” The good news is that, whichever way God answers, the end result will always be the same.

Now it’s your turn: 

  • Have you ever seen God answer a prayer in an instant? What was the prayer? How did God’s answer impact you?

  • When have you seen God answer prayer with a “two-step?” What was the prayer? How did God’s answer and timing affect you?

  • Pray that God always helps you to see that He is good all the time!