Summer Fun for Grown Ups

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What are your favorite memories of summer as a kid? I remember that feeling of the last day of school. School’s out for summer! I walked down the school bus stairs on the last day of school with a head full of dreams. Carolina summer heat rose in waves from the asphalt, but it couldn’t do anything to quench my summer hopes. 

I could already feel the thrill of free hours spent riding my bike all over the neighborhood. I would explore the woods and the creek, and on a really adventurous day, trek down to the big creek. Maybe we would have a lemonade stand. And the pinnacle of my childhood summer bucket list: Family beach week. We’d spend all day playing in the ocean, and in the evening we’d play Pictionary and Scattergories, laughing for hours. One night we’d go out for fried shrimp, hushpuppies and ice cream. Heaven!  

As a kid, there was nothing better than those long lazy summer days going from one moment of simple fun to the next. As an adult, I live near the beach, and it’s never lost its magic for me. But the thrill of enjoying it is too easily eaten up by adult responsibilities, busy schedules, and the never-ending to-do list. 

So what does summer fun look like for grown ups? What does summer fun look like in my marriage? Brian and I love riding bikes together. For me it recaptures a bit of that magical summer fun feeling. The warm breeze and the sunset over the water never get old. But unless we put it on the calendar, it won’t happen. 

We don’t want to just be good at running a household and getting stuff done together. We want to actually enjoy each other and our marriage! So this summer, we’re planning for fun. It’s about making time for fun, but also making time to dream about what sounds fun to both of us. 

We have big dreams we might never be able to pull off, but the dreaming is part of the fun. The cross country RV trip with our family might not be feasible, but maybe we can pick one bucket list destination to visit. Maybe we will pick a night to stay up late watching a meteor shower, or a day for a fancy lunch at our favorite seafood restaurant. It can be as simple as choosing a fun new recipe to cook together for a dinner date. Part of the beauty of summer fun is how simple it can be!

Don’t neglect the fun in your marriage this summer. It needs to be planned for, protected, and enjoyed! If you need an easy way to make sure you do that, our Summer Bucketlist Date Design is just the thing! Click over for a resource that will help you make the most of this summer with your spouse. 

So tell us: What fun are you dreaming up for this summer? 


Written By Lindsay Few, Awesome Marriage Content Editor