Singles - How to Find a Mate: God’s Plan - Part 2

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Last week, I shared how Nancy and I met, dated and married. We did a few things right and more things wrong. Maybe you can learn from our mistakes. If we could go back, I know both of us would do some things differently. We would have gone through much of the process that I have suggested to you.

But with all we did wrong, I still believe we would have still married. Why? Two reasons. First, during those two years of dating, Nancy became my best friend and I became her best friend.  When things were rocky in our marriage, that foundation helped us greatly. The bottom line for each of us was that we did not want to lose our best friend. So when you meet that person who you want to spend the rest of your life with, become best friends. They need to be the first choice of who you want to spend time with. You should be able to share all your feelings, emotions, questions, doubts and fears with that person and know they fully accept you. Best friends are priceless and your best friend in this world needs to be your spouse.

Second, I firmly believe God put us together and was always there for us. He had the answers that we lacked. He knew what our marriage could become long before we had that vision. By following Him and putting Him at the center of our lives and our marriage, He has led us -- and continues to lead us -- into an Awesome Marriage.

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