Reasons Your Sex Life Isn’t Awesome: Feeling Inadequate
This month at Awesome Marriage our focus is on sex. We will look into some of the reasons couples struggle with their sex life.
Both men and women can struggle with feeling inadequate in the sexual relationship. I think much of it is culture driven. We somehow accept unrealistic expectations of what we are supposed to be. Women compare their looks to other women. Men think they need to be this strong sexual person. We let movies and TV influence us and define what “great sex” is all about. Then we bring all of those unrealistic expectations into our sexual relationship in marriage and are defeated before we even start.
Does any of this sound familiar? I don’t think any of us can totally escape some feelings of inadequacy. Once these feelings grab hold of us, we can begin this endless pursuit of trying to compensate. We have a mental image of what we should be and put a lot of time, effort, and money into trying to transform ourselves. The bottom line is that we will never get there. The rules are always changing and none of us will ever live up to unrealistic expectations.
When we embrace those expectations, we are not looking at the sexual relationship through God’s eyes. The truth is that you are completely adequate. God made you perfect for your spouse. The two of you are unique. What you can have in your marriage’s sexual relationship is something no other couple can have. It is special for just the two of you. Quit buying into what our culture says and embrace the gift of sex that God had created for the two of you.