Questions for Dr. Kim

Question: Can you explain how the Scripture you posted recently can help me in my marriage? My husband is angry and he says he doesn't want to be married to me anymore.   I am trying to win him back but he is doesn't seem to be listening. I prayed and that's when I saw your post.

"Patience can persuade a prince, and soft speech can crush strong opposition." Proverbs 25:15

Dr. Kim: Often when our marriages are not going well, we panic and end up trying to control things or our spouse and we just end up pushing the spouse farther away. In applying the Scripture to marriage, we need to be patient and not lose control of our emotions. Another great verse is James 1:19, "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry."

Question: I really enjoy your page and the message of strong marriages. Do you have any advice for a wife who is trying to get over her husband's infidelity?

Dr. Kim:  It take's time and prayer and a husband who is willing to go through the process with you. It helps to know how someone else made it through.  Cindy Beall's book in our online store is excellent and does just that.

Here is the link:

If you have a question for Dr. Kim, send him a message through the Awesome Marriage Facebook page or an email through our web site: