Questions For Dr. Kim

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Question: I don't know how to identify the person that truly loves me.

Dr. Kim: One great way to help you identify the right person is to make a checklist of the things that are important to you in a future spouse and marriage.  When you meet someone that fits your checklist and you fit theirs and both of you want the same things in a marriage, you will be on the right track.

Question: We were married for the last fifteen years.  The fire is now dying on both sides, but we love each other so much.  What can we do?

Dr. Kim: Keeping the fire burning takes time and effort.  As a marriage goes along there are many distractions that come into play.  Often these distractions are not bad things but they take our time and energy.  Try planning dates together, a daily time to talk, and time alone without any distractions.  I firmly believe the fire can be rekindled and you may even have a blazing fire again!