The Epidemic (Part 4)

Last time we talked about the importance of having an accountability partner to help affair-proof your marriage. Today let’s look at some other things to help you build a solid wall of protection around your marriage.

One of the best things you can do to protect your marriage is to purposely work on improving it with your spouse every day. If your mind is full of ideas to grow your marriage, there is little room for destructive thoughts. Try this: Sit down with your spouse and make a game plan together. Start by thinking about where your marriage is today and where you would like it to be in six months. Then list what each of you needs to do to get it there.

When a husband and wife work to improve their communication, for example, their six-month plan could look something like this: They commit to spend thirty minutes a day talking with each other without distractions. That in itself may be a sacrifice, especially if they have young kids. They may need to stay up later after the kids are in bed or get up earlier in the morning before the kids get up. Whatever the decision, I promise you it will pay off for the marriage. Then they may decide to plug in that weekly date night that they have been pretty inconsistent with over the years of their marriage. Now they are making it a weekly essential. Finally they plan a short weekend getaway for just the two of them. Finances may be a little tight, but they can make it a priority and also look for a bargain or two. In six months, I guarantee you their communication will be better, they will have drawn closer together, and the desire to look for that communication need to be met outside their marriage will be a thing of the past.

Many of you have heard me talk about the importance of praying together and how much it transforms marriages. If you are not already doing so, I challenge you to pray with your spouse every day. If the two of you come before God together with open hearts daily, you will be amazed what that will do for your marriage. Since we are talking about this epidemic of infidelity, I urge you to ask God each day for His strength and guidance so you can keep your sexual desire and attraction only for your spouse. It sounds so simple, but there is so much power in praying for those specific needs in your marriage. The stories I am getting back from couples who are praying this way are incredible. God is showing up big time for them in their marriages, and He will do the same for you.

The infidelity epidemic is real; but you, with God’s help, can build that wall of protection around your marriage. The only real question is this: Will you?