Date Night Idea: January's Vision Board Date
Activity #1:
Start the date with a conversation. Talk about your individual goals and dreams for the future.
What are you passionate about?
What challenges are you facing?
How can you support each other in achieving your goals?
Activity #2:
Print off two goal cards to help you two set goals for these 4 areas.
What is one thing you can do to grow closer to God individually?
What is one thing you two can do together to have a Christ-centered marriage?
How often do you want to have date nights?
What is one thing you can focus on to grow your marriage this year?
If you do not have a monthly written budget, start one.
What is one thing you can do this year to better yourselves financially? Example: Start an emergency fund, pay off debt, etc.
Set 2 other goals. This can be for individual growth or something to do to grow together. Some examples are:
Read 6 books this year
Work out every day
Invest in a younger couple
Have friends over once a week for dinner and community.
Learn a new skill
Activity #3:
Make a date night jar. You can download our free date night ideas and cut them out and put them into a jar, and add some of your own ideas to the jar too. Try to come up with at least 26 ideas.
Print out the FREE resource above.
A glass jar
Paper & pen
Cut out the date ideas on the free resource and add them to the jar. Grab a piece of paper and add some fresh ideas of your own and cut them out to put into the jar.