Crafting Memories and Deepening Connection: A Special Date Night for Married Couples

Important: Before your date, you and your spouse need to each pick out 10-15  of your favorite photos of you two (so about 20-30 photos total). You will need to print or make copies before your date to do activity 1. Also go to the dollar store and pick out a binder, construction paper, stickers, etc. for activity 1.


Opening Prayer

“Heavenly Father, We thank You for this special time together as a couple. We ask for Your presence to fill our hearts and our home tonight. Guide our conversations, deepen our connection, and help us to grow closer to each other and to You. May our love be a reflection of Your love for us. Bless this date night, and let it be a time of joy, laughter, and renewed intimacy. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.”


Activity #1: Memory Lane Scrapbooking:

Gather old photos, mementos, and keepsakes from your relationship. Spend time reminiscing about the special moments you’ve shared. Create a scrapbook together, capturing your favorite memories. As you work, discuss the significance of each memory and what it means to you.


Activity #2: Play the "Heart-to-Heart" game.

Heart-to-Heart is a game designed to deepen emotional intimacy and connection between you two. The game involves drawing cards with prompts or questions that encourage open and honest communication. Each spouse takes turns drawing a card and responding to the prompt or question, while the other listens attentively without interruption.

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