Awesome Marriage Global: "Pastor Benjamin Arazu in Nigeria" Part 1
Pastor Benjamin Arazu is from Lagos Nigeria the pastor of Lion OF Judah International Ministries.We are young and vibrant," Present-Truth" Church that is being raised up by the Lord with a tremendous desire to see the Body of Christ come to full maturity and unity for greater function in the earth. We are also mandated to express a bold, dynamic Christian Lifestyle in Lagos Nigeria and in the nations of the earth. We have been mandated to Proclaim His Dominion from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth.
Dr. Kim interviews Pastor Benjamin Arazu who lives in Nigeria as part of Awesome Marriage Global. This is the first of four parts in this interview as Pastor Benjamin talks about marriage.
Dr. Kim: How have you seen God work in your marriage? Has He done anything specific? Has He changed one or both of you in monumental ways?
Pastor Benjanin: God has been with us since we started and now we got married when both of us were doing nothing that bring money into our home. We met in the mission field and the Lord spoke to us that we are made to be together, and I went to talk to her pastor and told her my intention and she said I should give her time to pray. And after a few weeks her pastor called and told me that she agreed. But we were not working in any company and had no money. So the two of us joined the evangelism team of our church . We said to God we didn't have money and that we are going to use our time to serve Him. We joined the team and we suffered in my ways, some weeks no food to eat. I keep on telling my wife God will do what only He is capable of doing in our life and destiny. We lived from hand to mouth for more than five years, we saw God supernaturally make ways for us. I remember one Sunday we went to church without eatting not because we didn't want to eat, but because we didn't have anything in our home. So when we came back from the church we were sleeping in our house and somebody knocked at our door and I came out and its a lot of food from somebody we do not know that the Lord asked her to come to our house with all the foods she brought to us. But now its not as it was. God has opened up our ways. We feed a lot of people and orphans now. And for years we had a problem in the area of having children but now we had three children to the glory of His name.