Awesome Marriage Global: "Pastor Benjamin Arazu in Nigeria" - Part 4
Pastor Benjamin Arazu is from Lagos Nigeria the pastor of Lion OF Judah International Ministries.We are young and vibrant," Present-Truth" Church that is being raised up by the Lord with a tremendous desire to see the Body of Christ come to full maturity and unity for greater function in the earth. We are also mandated to express a bold, dynamic Christian Lifestyle in Lagos Nigeria and in the nations of the earth. We have been mandated to Proclaim His Dominion from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth. The picture is of Pastor Benjamin's family on their church land.
Dr. Kim interviews Pastor Benjamin Arazu who lives in Nigeria as part of Awesome Marriage Global. This is the fourth of four parts in this interview as Pastor Benjamin talks about marriage.
Dr. Kim: What do you hope to be the “lasting legacy” as a result of your marriage?
Pastor Benjamin Arazu: Togetherness in everything and prayer.
Dr. Kim: What is different in your marriage as compared to your parents marriage?
Pastor Benjamin Arazu: Togetherness. My wives parents are not together. Even my parents are not together also. So we agreed to stay together for life.
Dr. Kim: If there was one message you could share from the experiences of your marriage with the rest of the world, what would it be?
Pastor Benjamin Arazu: Always know your partner have all it take to make a mistake so get ready to clean it up and life goes on. Forgive before they asked for forgiveness .
Dr. Kim: Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Pastor Benjamin Arazu: Marriage is covenant not contract.