Awesome Marriage Global: "Pastor Benjamin Arazu in Nigeria" - Part 2
Pastor Benjamin Arazu is from Lagos Nigeria the pastor of Lion OF Judah International Ministries.We are young and vibrant," Present-Truth" Church that is being raised up by the Lord with a tremendous desire to see the Body of Christ come to full maturity and unity for greater function in the earth. We are also mandated to express a bold, dynamic Christian Lifestyle in Lagos Nigeria and in the nations of the earth. We have been mandated to Proclaim His Dominion from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth.
Dr. Kim interviews Pastor Benjamin Arazu who lives in Nigeria as part of Awesome Marriage Global. This is the second of four parts in this interview as Pastor Benjamin talks about marriage.
Dr. Kim: What are the Top 5 most important components of a healthy marriage? Pastor Behjamin Arazu: Looking back where we started and where we are now, I can see what helped us.
1. I was able to discerne God's leading that she would be my wife. She didn't just agree because I said so. She had to go to God in prayer and it was made know unto her that I am her man. So our foundation was build on prayers and hearing from God. So a healthy marriage must be build on the strong foundation of Gods word.
2. We look at marriage as a covenant not contract.
3. We try to understand each other. Most problems in the family arise because of a lack of understanding of the basic differences between the makeup, the outlook, and the ability of the man or the woman. 4. We are both naked. Which means that she knows everything about me and I know everything about her. Also it has been helping us even till now.
5. We love each other to death.