Strip Trivia Game Instructions:

With your spouse take turns asking each other the selected questions. If your spouse gets the answer correct- you lose a piece of clothing. But if they get it wrong, then they lose a piece of clothing. Do this until you run out of questions, or clothes, whichever one comes first!


What is my favorite color?

What is my favorite local restaurant?

What is my favorite movie?

What is my least favorite food?

What is my favorite food?

What is my biggest pet peeve?

What is my biggest fear?

What do I love most about your family?

What is my dream job?

What is one thing on my bucket list?

Where do I most want to travel to?

What is my favorite memory from childhood?

What is my favorite memory of us?

What is one thing I have never done?

What is my favorite thing we have bought together?

What is my idea of the perfect date?

What is a quality I most admire about others?

What is my favorite feature on you?

What is one thing I do daily?

What is my snack of choice?

What is my proudest accomplishment?

What do I want to do during retirement?

Do I like hugging or kissing more?

What is my favorite book?

What is my favorite tradition that we do together?

What would I do if I got $1,000 to spend?

If I could be any age again, what age would I be?

Who is my biggest role model?

What household chore do I dislike the most?

What household chore do I not mind doing?

What is my favorite dessert?

What is the one thing that makes me feel most loved?

What is my favorite animal?

What is my favorite season?

 If I could have any super power, which one would I have?

What is my biggest dream?

What is my favorite place to visit?

Who is my favorite author?

What is my favorite song?

Looking for other intimate things to try?

  • Get these 2 Fun Sexy Games: Steamy Match and Spin the Bottle. These games are a flirty way to bring back the butterflies and get close with your spouse. The best thing about these games?! You can play it again and again!

  • Grab our Love Making Survey. This Love Making Survey is designed to help you have a safe, genuine conversation about your sex life with your spouse.

  • Check out our Virtual Sex Seminars here! From the comfort of your own couch, you and your spouse can switch off Netflix and watch something that will actually improve your marriage by transforming your sex life!

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  • Check out more resources to strengthen your marriage here.