
By Dr. Kim Kimberling

14 Keys to lasting love

Discover the 14 secrets to a lasting and loving marriage.

In this fresh, insightful marriage book, Dr. Kim talks directly to couples, showing you that marriage isn’t just meant to make you happy but to make you holy. Over the years, through his ministry, he’s conducted countless couples surveys. He knows what you struggle with and what areas of marriage scare you. He knows what you want and what you don’t want. By looking at 14 major areas of marriage, Dr. Kim shows couples how to stay on the right track. Through chapters on empathy, personal health, conflict behavior, talking, intimacy, sex, and more, you’ll learn how to have the happy, connected marriage you’ve dreamed of.

Seven Secrets to an Awesome Marriage

All of us want an enduring marriage, a beautiful marriage we can believe in. That kind of marriage happens through intimacy. Intimacy requires hard work and a guide. Dr. Kim Kimberling is that guide and this book and its tools will show you how communication and intimacy in marriage can be yours. 

7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage Discussion Guide

his Study Guide is a companion to "7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage". It is designed to be used by small groups and for individual couples. Each of the nine sessions has a video link for a short video, an overview of the session, an "Ice Breaker" idea, four questions for discussion, suggestions for prayer, and "homework" to be done between sessions. It us a great way to get the most out of Dr. Kim's book.

Preparing for an Awesome Marriage

Paperback $25

The time-tested principles outlined in this book will transform your relationship, prepare you for journey you are about to begin as husband and wife and help you learn how to enjoy your own Marriage of a Lifetime right from the start.  Topics include:

What is Marriage, Biblical Roles, The Importance of Communication, Conflict Resolution, Financial Management, Your Sexual Relationship and Your Spiritual Relationship.


Paperback - $11

This workbook is designed to be used with our Online Preparing for an Awesome Marriage Course or at one of our Live Events.


Paperback Workbook - $15

What does this experiment look like? The idea is to take 30 days and focus on your own personal growth with God. It is a time of ‘dating God’ and no one else. It is giving God a chance to guide you into a better way to live your single life. It is seeing if the Bible might have something to say to you that will make a difference  in your life.

Are you willing to take the challenge? If you do, I promise you that God will show up because you are putting the focus of your life where He wants it—totally and completely on Him.

The 30 Day Experiment for Married Couples

Paperback Workbook - $15

Research tells us that couples who regularly read the Bible together and couples who regularly pray together have a dramatically lower divorce rate than couples who do not.

The plan is simple. Each day for 30 days you will have a Scripture verse to read together. I will give you my thoughts on the verse and then you have the opportunity to share your thoughts. There is then a question for you to discuss and the opportunity for you to plan your “Next Steps” to help your marriage as a result of that day’s teaching. Finally there is a suggested topic for you to pray about.

That’s it. Short, simple, but powerful because as a couple you are daily spending time with God. It can change your marriage. I promise you that God will show up. He always does, and this experiment puts Him exactly where He wants to be—right in the center of your marriage

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