Come and join me for the “9 Ways to Improve Your Sex Life in Marriage” webinar.  

Deepen your intimacy by strengthening this important area of your marriage.

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Are you ready to improve your sex and intimacy? 

Whether you’re dissatisfied with your sex life or you are just looking to spice things up, this 45-minute webinar class will provide you with steps to improve your sex and deepen your connection to your spouse.

In this free webinar, you’ll discover: 

  • The Why of Sex

  • The Reality of Sex

  • 7 reasons why your sex life may not be where you want it to be

  • Then 9 practical steps to help

As a Christian counselor, author, and founder of Awesome Marriage, I help couples build awesome marriages. I have also helped countless couples in the area of sex and intimacy. I’m here to share 9 ways to improve your sex life with your spouse. 

Meet Dr. Kim Kimberling

There was a point in my marriage where we were considering divorce. By the grace of God and good counsel, Nancy and I were able to turn things around and build an awesome marriage. We’ve been married for 53 years now.

For the past 40 years I’ve shared what I’ve learned with couples through Professional Marriage Counseling, and I’ve been doing the same through the ministry of Awesome Marriage since 2011.

At Awesome Marriage we’ve created tools and resources to help you transform your marriage into an awesome marriage. We can’t wait to help you on this journey!