Join me for the “7 Communication Mistakes Couples Make in Marriage” webinar. 

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7 Communication Mistakes Couples Make in Marriage

Are you ready to build awesome communication in your marriage and intentionally connect with your spouse?  

Whether you’re dealing with major miscommunication or if your marriage communication could just use a few helpful tips, this 45-minute pre-recorded class will teach you how to avoid the most common communication mistakes couples make in marriage. 

In this free webinar, you’ll discover: 

  • How to avoid the most common communication breakdowns

  • How to connect and have more meaningful conversations 

  • How to resolve conflicts without turning it into an argument

Communication is more about listening than speaking. Don’t let miscommunication, unresolved conflict, unhealed hurt, or hard conversations stop you from having awesome communication in your marriage. 

Meet Dr. Kim Kimberling

There was a point in my marriage where we were considering divorce. By the grace of God and good counsel, Nancy and I were able to turn things around and build an awesome marriage. We’ve been married for 53 years now.

For the past 40 years I’ve shared what I’ve learned with couples through Professional Marriage Counseling, and I’ve been doing the same through the ministry of Awesome Marriage since 2011.

At Awesome Marriage we’ve created tools and resources to help you transform your marriage into an awesome marriage. We can’t wait to help you on this journey!