21 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge

Give your husband the encouragement he craves


Criticism tears us down but words of encouragement bring us life.

Your husband craves encouragement, and your words are the most impactful to him. Don’t wait another day to encourage your husband! He will grow and become a greater man as you come alongside him and lift him up.

Are you ready to bring new energy, support, and love into your marriage? The 21 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge is a simple yet powerful way to intentionally uplift your husband, deepen your connection, and create a stronger, more resilient marriage.

With this printable guide, you’ll receive daily encouragement prompts that are easy to follow—and incredibly impactful.

I want to help you cheer your husband on with this ‘21 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge’ printable!

This digital resource has an estimated value of $20, however you can get this resource with a donation to the ministry of Awesome Marriage of ANY amount. We set our donation-based resources to a donation of ANY amount in hopes to make it affordable for anyone who wants the resource. We are only able to do this due to our loyal donors. 

What’s Inside the 21 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge?

This 15-page PDF is thoughtfully crafted to guide you in uplifting your husband daily with faith-based encouragement.

  • Step-by-Step Instructions: Clear guidance on how to start and complete the challenge, setting you up for a meaningful experience.

  • Daily Bible Verses: Each day has a corresponding Bible verse, grounding you in faith as you seek to bless and support your husband.

  • Daily Action Steps: Simple, powerful actions for each of the 21 days, helping you show encouragement, love, and appreciation in a way that will resonate with your husband.

What Makes This Challenge So Powerful?

  1. Boost His Confidence Easily
    Words carry incredible power. These small, practical daily steps will help boost your husband’s confidence. We’ve done the research and work for you, you merely need to read each day’s prompt and execute it.

  2. Learn the Simple Gestures That Say “I Believe in You”
    You can speak to the potential in your husband instead of only seeing the negative. Are you ready to try it?

  3. Bible Inspired
    These prompts are all inspired from biblical truths. There is a scripture verse for each day’s challenge. God’s word is living and active! You won’t just be encouraging your husband, you’ll be prayerfully speaking literal life over him.

  4. Break Free from Routine
    As relationships grow, it’s easy to fall into routines. These challenges are designed to break the mold of just simple “thank yous” and “you can do it!” phrases. Are you ready to shake things up?

Start Your 21 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge Today!

If you’re ready to create lasting change in your marriage, the 21 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge is the perfect step. With just a few minutes each day, you can uplift, inspire, and strengthen your husband in ways that will bring you closer together.

Download Your Printable Now with a Donation of ANY Amount Made to the Ministry of Awesome Marriage!

Don’t wait! Be a source of light in your home as you take a practical step toward honoring and uplifting your husband.

As a nonprofit ministry, Awesome Marriage invests 100% of donations back into the ministry so we can continue to create resources like this to help hurting marriages heal, healthy marriages grow, and families stay together.

Thank you for your generosity! 

*This resource is a DIGITAL product in the form of a PDF. It will be emailed to you in your receipt email immediately after donating.