Become a Matching Donor and Double the Impact!

Awesome Marriage is getting ready to share our "7 Most Popular Resources" in April as a push to raise funds to fuel the ministry and get great resources in couples' hands and we'd like to invite you to become a matching donor to that campaign. People are much more likely to give to a campaign when they know their gift is being matched.

To be a matching donor, simply click the button below.

Thank you for making this ministry possible with your generosity!

As a gift for your donation, you will also receive our 7 Most Popular Resources Bundle! Included in this bundle are the following resources:

  1. 62 Questions About Sex With 10 Bonus Sexy Bucketlist Challenges

  2. 18 Day Wife Study Challenge

  3. 18 Day Husband Study Challenge

  4. 19 Affirmations and Prayers For Your Marriage

  5. Conflict Resolution Cheat Sheet: 25 Tips To Resolve Conflict the Healthy Way

  6. Love Making Survey

  7. You Make Me Melt Date Design


62 Questions About Sex

Sometimes we just don’t think about sex or prioritize it enough. The questions in this resource are meant to help you learn more about your spouse and get you thinking more about sex and intimacy as a way to deepen your marital intimacy.

18 Day Wife Study Challenge

This challenge is all about studying and cherishing your husband. Dr. Kim says that one of the keys to an awesome marriage is being a student of your spouse. For the next 18 days you are going to take that advice seriously and study your husband.

18 Day Husband Study Challenge

This challenge is all about studying and cherishing your wife. Dr. Kim says that one of the keys to an awesome marriage is being a student of your spouse. For the next 18 days you are going to take that advice seriously and study your wife.

19 Affirmations and Prayers for Your Marriage

This resource is a great way to spend time learning and practicing ways to care for your spouse. If you are looking for creative ways to pray for your spouse and make them feel affirmed in how you feel about them, this is a great resource for you!

Conflict Resolution Cheat Sheet

Conflict in marriage is inevitable. But if we learn to handle it well, we can actually grow our relationship. Use this cheat sheet to troubleshoot your conflict and help it become healthier and more productive. This 11 page cheat sheet has some of Dr. Kim’s best time-tested tools to help you resolve conflict more effectively.

Love Making Survey

Sex is a good gift from God that is best enjoyed in the covenant of marriage when a couple works toward unity and serving one another. This Love Making Survey is designed to help you have a safe, genuine conversation about your sex life with your spouse.

You Make Me Melt Date Design

Were you wondering what to do on date night? Wonder no more! What better time to melt for your spouse, all over again? This date will be sure to do just that. Our prayer is that it will bring back those butterflies and warm feelings of the first times you met. Remember that?