Reasons Your Sex Life Isn’t Awesome: Past Abuse

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The statistics on sexual abuse are staggering. For some the abuse happened at a young age; for others it was in teenage or later years. The scars from sexual abuse are real and totally distort what God intended the sexual relationship to be. Sexual abuse happens to both women and men. Many people feel the statistics that are reported don’t tell the whole story because a lot of abuse is never reported.

Sexual abuse is just not a physical act against someone, it also assaults them mentally and emotionally. If the abuse is not dealt with, the victim will carry the effects into their marriage relationship. When they want to be intimate with their spouse, they often find roadblocks that are very difficult to navigate.

If you have been a victim of sexual abuse, you are far from being alone. Don’t let the past abuse keep you from enjoying the gift of sex in marriage. Take the first step to getting help. If your spouse has been a victim of sexual abuse, learn everything you can about the part you can play in their healing. I have seen too many people stay stuck in the past. I have also seen many people get help and work through the past, letting God bring healing and totally redefine sex for them.  

God’s plan for sex is perfect. It is designed to be fulfilled in the marriage relationship. It is so different than what the world throws at us. I encourage you to take the first step towards healing from past abuse today. Let God show you what He can do!