Being Single - Part 3

What do you think about when you ask someone for a date or when someone asks you out?  Are there people you would not go out with? What goes into your decision? Did you ever stop and think that every marriage starts with a first date?

I think that every single person that wants to someday have a great marriage needs to have a checklist of what they want in a mate. The list needs to be well thought out.  You need to know what you are flexible with and what you are not.  Once you have your list answer this question:  Should you apply your list to every date?  Think about that for a minute.  Does it really make sense to go on a date just to go on a date?  If that person does not show up on the radar of your checklist, why are you going out with them? I am not saying that every date has to be with this near perfect person.  If that were true, Nancy would never have gone out with me.  What I am saying is to set your standards and then do not compromise them.  I have never talked to someone that stuck to their checklist that regretted it.  On the other hand, I have talked to many singles that compromised and later regretted it.

What do you think?

Dr. Kim